
Setup a dev environment

You must develop on top of the git master branch:

git clone

Then you need to build your dev environments. Choose your way…

The quick way

If System Requirements are fulfilled, you can just issue:

make serve

It will setup a virtualenv, install dependencies, and run the test server.

The hard way

Alternatively, you can use pip to install dependencies yourself. That would be:

pip install -e .

And then run the application:

cd ihatemoney

Accessing dev server

In any case, you can point your browser at http://localhost:5000. It’s as simple as that!


In case you want to update to newer versions (from git), you can just run the “update” command:

make update

Create database migrations

In case you need to modify the database schema, first update the models in ihatemoney/ Then run the following command to create a new database revision file:

make create-database-revision

If your changes are simple enough, the generated script will be populated with the necessary migrations steps. You can edit the generated script. eg: to add data migrations.

For complex migrations, it is recommended to start from an empty revision file which can be created with the following command:

make create-empty-database-revision

Useful settings

It is better to actually turn the debugging mode on when you’re developing. You can create a settings.cfg file, with the following content:

DEBUG = True

You can also set the TESTING flag to True so no mails are sent (and no exception is raised) while you’re on development mode. Then before running the application, declare its path with

export IHATEMONEY_SETTINGS_FILE_PATH="$(pwd)/settings.cfg"

How to contribute

You would like to contribute? First, thanks a bunch! This project is a small project with just a few people behind it, so any help is appreciated!

There are different ways to help us, regarding if you are a designer, a developer or an user.

As a developer

If you want to contribute code, you can write it and then issue a pull request on github. Please, think about updating and running the tests before asking for a pull request as it will help us to maintain the code clean and running.

To do so:

$ make test

As a designer / Front-end developer

Feel free to provide us mockups or to involve yourself into the discussions hapenning on the github issue tracker. All ideas are welcome. Of course, if you know how to implement them, feel free to fork and make a pull request.

As a translator

Collect all new strings to translate:

make update-translations

Add missing translations to .po files inside translations/ dir using your favorite text editor.

Compile them into .mo files:

make build-translations

Commit both .mo and .po.


You are using the application and found a bug? You have some ideas about how to improve the project? Please tell us by filling a new issue. Or, if you prefer, you can send me an email to and I will update the issue tracker with your feedback.

Thanks again!

How to build the documentation ?

The documentation is using sphinx and its source is located inside the docs folder.

Install doc dependencies (within the virtualenv, if any):

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

And to produce html doc in docs/_output folder:

cd docs/
make html

How to release?

In order to prepare a new release, we are following the following steps:

  • Merge remaining pull requests;

  • Update CHANGELOG.rst with the last changes;


  • Update known good versions of dependencies in;

  • If needed, recompress assets. It requires zopflipng:

    make compress-assets
  • Build the translations:

    make update-translations
    make build-translations

Once this is done, use the “release” instruction:

make release

And the new version should be published on PyPI.


The above command will prompt for version number, handle CHANGELOG.rst and updates, package creation, pypi upload. It will prompt you before each step to get your consent.